Best NCLEX-RN Books

We know that the best books to help you to pass the NCLEX-RN examination on the first attempt will include a comprehensive review book,  a review question book bank and an online question bank where you can train yourself for the actual test. Also you will need to check with this table to monitor your progress and see if you are ready to ace the test.

1- Although there are a dozen of review books, the best seller and mostly used by nursing students is this Book One.

2- This Kap bank book has a good variety of questions and their answers, but not enough alone. I recommend it as a supplement to the next item in this list and to see the test from different prospective.

3- The Online NCLEX-RN question bank that you can do tests by subject if you are still early in school or as random tests of 75 questions each to assess your readiness for the actual exam.

Don't forget to check your scores based on this Comparison table.